Friday, March 28, 2014

The Games- the cornucopia

Cinna places Katniss' pin from Madge before the Games
It's time. Perky Effie isn't keen on survival tips, gently dabbing at a napkin. Haymitch has more to offer. "Stay alive," is his last advice. Katniss, with her braid,  gives her goodbyes to Cinna. He's the last one to see her, before she goes into a tube that transfers her to the arena. He pins a mockingjay pin that her friend, Madge gave to her before she left( in the movie Prim gives it to her). " I'm still betting on you, Girl on Fire," he says lightly before he gently pushes her into the tube. She's being lifted. A black clock saying in orange letters, 10, 9, 8...... Katniss spots the Cornucopia.Filled with weapons from deadly daggers to spiky spears, but there's only 1 quiver full of silver arrows. Her eye on it, she glances at Peeta, but he's shaking his head. No Katniss! Run to the woods! That's what Peeta's thinking. BOOM! She was too slow! Now too slow because she had been staring at Peeta. So she runs for an orange bag instead, then catches Clove( Isabelle Fuhrman) brandishing a knife at her. Katniss runs towards the woods, thankful for the bag. But will it last the Games? Or will it fall into the careers hands?
Running toward the Cornucopia

Just checking.........

If your reading this, you may have noticed that I'm writing this story based. So the beginning of the story will be on the older posts: it talks about Gale, Prim, Peeta, and District 12. So thank you if your taking the time to read this( writing it takes dedication,take it from me), but if you want to know the ins and outs, please see the older posts. Please.
Thank you!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Test

Katniss is last for the test. By then, all the Gamemakers care about their food and drinks. Some of them are drunk, laughing, not caring about the tributes who will be dead in a matter of weeks. Katniss heads to the archery section,  trying the capitol bows. There different than her usual ones, skidding inches away from the target. A few Gamemakers chuckle, but Seneca Crane, with his clear blue eyes and usual beard just stare. She tries again, piercing a bag, hitting places without targets, but most Gamemakers are interested in the pig that was just brought in. Even it has had it's capitol styles: smeared in golden sauce, with long peacock lashes. That was enough. Katniss pulls her silver arrow, and whoosh!, it lands in the bright red apple between the pig's mouth. " Thank you for your consideration," Katniss politely bows, and leaves without being excused.

 " WHAT?!" Effie explodes. She adjusts her comical, and you couldn't tell if that color on her cheeks was blush or anger. " You shot their PIG!!!!! I can't believe you Katniss, just wait till Haymitch comes. Just you wait." Sighing, she collapses onto a velvet couch. Cinna( Lenny Kravitz) is chuckling, though he's trying to conceal it from an enraged Effie. Haymitch comes in.
He gives her a thumbs up. " Good job Girl on Fire." Effie has had it, but the only thing that saves them is the scores. They flash, until a picture of Katniss( not smiling-what a surprise) comes with a silver 11 flashes. Effie lets her anger out( it would be funny if she sang "Let it Go" except it wasn't out then. " Good job!" she yelps in her bird like voice. " And you to Peeta. 8's really good." Will Katniss' score get the Careers to keep and eye on her? Read to find out.

Seneca Crane( Wes Bentley) Head Gamemaker

Training Time!

“They're already taking my future! They can't have the things that mattered to me in the past!”

It's time for training time! Yes, the gamemakers ( people who decide the design of the Games). There's making fire out of materials like flint, scraps of cloth, etc., archery, using a spear, knife throwing,
Clove, District 2, knife throwing
weight lifting, camouflage,and more. Although Katniss has a superior skill with archery, Haymitch instructs, " Don't show the tributes your skills. Save that for your private lesson."

Cato, District 2, using a spear in training.

Private lesson? You got that right. At the end of training, the Gamemakers watch you do some sort of skill from making fires to knife throwing. You get a score from 1-12. The Careers( tributes from district 1-4 who pair up in the Games every year), usually get high rankings. So instead of showing off with a bow and arrow, she's rubbing metal, determined to make a fire spark.

Meeting Rue, District 11
Rue's a simple, sweet girl( played by Amandla Stenburg) catches Katniss' eye, peering at Katniss behind a metal beam. " You've got a shadow," remarks Peeta( Josh Hutcherson). But Katniss likes Rue. She reminds Katniss( Jennifer Lawrence) of her sister Prim, with her colorful, simple laughs and exquisite braids. Rue may not have the tightly woven braids, but she has the same personality: like a blooming flower like a primrose. Even though Rue doesn't look like much, she has some spunk. One thing Rue knows how to do is set a spark to a person's temper. Carefully hidden like an unseen shadow, Rue's hands carefully grasp Cato's knife as she slips onto a metal beam on the ceiling, tightening the straps. Katniss notices her and her curly pigtails. Grinning ear to ear, she puts one finger to her lips, wanting her victory to last. But will her sly, secret ways give her a chance during the games? During the interview she said, " If you can't catch me, you can't kill me. So don't turn your back on me."
Rue stealing Cato's knife. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


“I'm coming back into focus when Caesar asks him if he has a girlfriend back home. Peeta hesitates, then gives an unconvincing shake of his head.

Handsome lad like you. There must be some special girl. Come on, what’s her name?" says Caesar.

Peeta sighs. "Well, there is this one girl. I’ve had a crush on her ever since I can remember. But I’m pretty sure she didn’t know I was alive until the reaping."

Sounds of sympathy from the crowd. Unrequited love they can relate to.

She have another fellow?" asks Caesar.

I don’t know, but a lot of boys like her," says Peeta.

So, here’s what you do. You win, you go home. She can’t turn you down then, eh?" says Caesar encouragingly.

I don’t think it’s going to work out. Winning...won’t help in my case," says Peeta.

Why ever not?" says Caesar, mystified.

Peeta blushes beet red and stammers out. "Because...because...she came here with me.” 

- Peeta and Caesar Flickerman, official Hunger Games interviewer
It's time for interviews! "Remember Katniss, smilies!" chirps Effie.
Katniss and Caesar Flickerman
 They have to wait, Katniss and Peeta have to wait for their turn to be interviewed, listening to District 2's strong Cato whose confident that he'll win the Games, Glimmer, in a green dress, showing off her pretty face and dramatic looks. Soon it's Katniss' turn. Smiling, she enters the stage in her skin tight crimson dress, glancing at Caesar Flickerman, glancing at his powdery midnight blue wig, his blue brows, and his midnight blue sparkly suit like stars. Saying a little quick quips, Caesar weaves his way to discuss to Katniss about what Prim said before the Games.
" Well, I said to Prim don't give up and be strong before the Games. Wanna see me twirl?"

And then she spins. Flames leap out of her dress as she gently turns, letting flames flip on her skirt.

It's Peeta's turn. He's a born comedian, letting the capitol fans let out their laughter. It's then Caesar mentions his dream girl. With a few misses, he gets Peeta talking. " If you win the Games, she'll have to go out with you." Caesar determined to convince Peeta that she'll go out with him, he says," She came here with me." You guessed it, he's talking about Katniss. Hold your horses, and keep reading.


" How did you make this costume?
Oh, Portia and I spent a long time looking at flames."

Cinna and Portia amazed the capitol. Katniss' and Peeta's costume were flames. Beautiful, flames sprung from their shiny black costumes.
Peeta and Katniss in their outstanding costumes.
 Unlike other years of District 12 costumes, their costumes were the star of the show, unlike other years were they just had coal dust on themselves( that would be embarrassing)! Caesar Flickerman, the official Hunger Games interviewer,said," That's nice. Their representing themselves as a team." This was because of their holding hands.
The costumes for other districts.

Cinna, Portia, and their costumes

" So you're here to make me look pretty.
No, I've came to make you look noticeable."
- Cinna and Katniss

Here comes Cinna, with simple gold eyeliner, a new stylist to design Katniss' clothes along with Portia, Peeta's stylist. Cinna doesn't wear the freaky capitol getup. The only thing that leans toward capitol style on him is the metallic, gold eyeliner.

What is Cinna's part in the Games? He designs Katniss' chariot costume, the 1st time the capitol gets to see them( not counting the broadcasting of reaping day). He also designs Katniss' clothes for the interview she has before the Games. Be stunned by what Cinna and Portia can do.
Portia, Peeta's stylist
Cinna putting Mockinjay pin on Katniss before the Games.