Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Test

Katniss is last for the test. By then, all the Gamemakers care about their food and drinks. Some of them are drunk, laughing, not caring about the tributes who will be dead in a matter of weeks. Katniss heads to the archery section,  trying the capitol bows. There different than her usual ones, skidding inches away from the target. A few Gamemakers chuckle, but Seneca Crane, with his clear blue eyes and usual beard just stare. She tries again, piercing a bag, hitting places without targets, but most Gamemakers are interested in the pig that was just brought in. Even it has had it's capitol styles: smeared in golden sauce, with long peacock lashes. That was enough. Katniss pulls her silver arrow, and whoosh!, it lands in the bright red apple between the pig's mouth. " Thank you for your consideration," Katniss politely bows, and leaves without being excused.

 " WHAT?!" Effie explodes. She adjusts her comical, and you couldn't tell if that color on her cheeks was blush or anger. " You shot their PIG!!!!! I can't believe you Katniss, just wait till Haymitch comes. Just you wait." Sighing, she collapses onto a velvet couch. Cinna( Lenny Kravitz) is chuckling, though he's trying to conceal it from an enraged Effie. Haymitch comes in.
He gives her a thumbs up. " Good job Girl on Fire." Effie has had it, but the only thing that saves them is the scores. They flash, until a picture of Katniss( not smiling-what a surprise) comes with a silver 11 flashes. Effie lets her anger out( it would be funny if she sang "Let it Go" except it wasn't out then. " Good job!" she yelps in her bird like voice. " And you to Peeta. 8's really good." Will Katniss' score get the Careers to keep and eye on her? Read to find out.

Seneca Crane( Wes Bentley) Head Gamemaker

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